Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When All Else Fails Again.

Product: Pistol-Grip Remote Toe-Nail Clipper
Price: $84.14
Available at: Allegro Medical Supply (yes, I'm loving this site-- very extensive), other versions available online at, etc.

  • Extend your reach to your feet
  • Clip toenails with ease
  • Right or left hand use
  • Long handle and pistol grip with trigger action 
This clipper is a valuable asset to pregnant women, overweight people, the elderly, people with back problems and anyone else with a limited range of motion.  The long handle and pistol grip make clipping toenails possible with less bending. The trigger action provides increased leverage.
Overall length is 18¨ (46 cm).

Verdict:  Safety looks like an issue here.  How can you tell if you have the toe nail lined up properly to cut?  Best let someone else clip your nails if possible.  Reviews also stated that tougher toe nails were very difficult to clip.

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