Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Challenger Appears!

GoGirl for $7.99

Freshette $21.95

Whiz Freedom $24.95

Product: GoGirl, Freshette, Whiz Freedom
Cost: Varies from $7.95-$24.95
Available at:,

Features: Allows women to pee standing up, yes yes.

Freshette Sport & Travel Freshette A Feminine Urinary Director For Camping, Traveling And Medical Needs. It Allows Women To Urinate In A Standing Position. Use When Restrooms Are Unavailable Or Unsanitary. Comes Complete With Director, Carrying Bag & 6" Retractable Tubing. Approved For Use By Medicare And The U.S. Military.

Whiz Freedom
A testimony from customer:
"We took a trip across several western states without a whole lot of rest stops. Being 7 months pregnant, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it for hours between rest stops. So, we bought the Whiz Freedom. I was able to use it in the car. I placed a towel underneath in case there were any leaks, which it turned out there weren't. It worked wonderfully as expected. The angle at which the spout is formed, helped. I also used it at several rest stops that we did stop at so that I wouldn't have to sit or squat over the seat. It's good to rinse it off after use, if possible, but it will stay virtually dry if you can't. I placed it back into the plastic bag it came in for sanitary keeping.

Definitely a necessary item when pregnant and traveling (especially when stuck in an hour and a half of stop-and-stop construction traffic)."

Verdict:  Watch out GoGirl!

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