Wednesday, November 17, 2010

USB Preggo Test

Product: PTeq USB Pregnancy Test
Cost: $17.99, Includes 20 Test Strips
Available at:

Thanks to Dr. Terrell, ULM COP faculty, for featuring this in one of her lectures this semester.  It was too cool not to put on my blog.  Claims made my website: USB Pregnancy Test Kit can detect 5-50 mIU/mL (hCG), and will show you the exact concentration via its friendly onscreen interface. In addition, the LCD display on the device itself will light up and show you the symbol of a baby, no baby, or multiples and your Estimated Delivery Date based on the concentration of hCG, hCG-H, and LH in your urine. So you can clear your calendar in advance.

Of course, don't pee on your computer, and be sure to cover the test strip before plugging in the USB.  The website says it is best to have a horizontal USB slot to prevent moisture exposure to your computer.

Verdict:  I love the graphs and that it actually gives you a level of hCG.  However, as cool as it might seem, it isn't real :(  So sad.  It was actually a 2007 April Fool's Day joke made by ThinkGeek.Com.  Check out this link that explains it.  Might be fun to have as a gag gift, but if you want a baby, use your standard pregnancy test at your local pharmacy.

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